Hans Hotel Reservation System

The Hans hotel reservation system is created by the BSIT 4th year student as their final requirement in capstone subject. This Reservation system allows the guest to select rooms, view rooms, accomodations and reserve rooms. And this system also has an admin side where in the admin has a user management system and has the option in viewing all the reservation records by the guest. In order to execute this application, download and extract the file and copy it inside the your document root. Then open your phpmyadmin, and create a database named "hans_db". Next import the database that can be found inside the hans folder named "hans_db". To log in the admin side of this system you can use this user accounts. Username: admin Password: admin For more inquiries with regard to the system you can contact the group who created this system. Giemar Adolfo - 09474966177 Diwannie joy Arillo - 09484525429 Mary Rose Mission - 09309962964 If you want to see some new Source Code or Application and Tutorials Just click here.

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how can i login as an admin? I can check the database through phpmyadmin but shouldn't thr be a admin login page. And the thank you for registering page has errors!!

VB.NET or PHP po ba ginamit niyo dito Sir?

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