Library Monitoring System Using RFID

Instead of a library card, this system uses RFID in timing in and out and also for borrowing books in the library. Before the system with RFID, the system with a library card, librarian or student assistant, and students they manual input their time in and out, name, book name, and signature. With RFID system, they just tap the RFID then it will time in or out and saved so having RFID is better, easier and faster to operate.

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i tried to run the program but, unluckily, i'm having this errors... "Error 17 'DevComponents' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\LMSRFID\LMSRFID\2.4RegisterUser.Designer.vb 230 41 LMSRFID"

hello po. how to fix this error. thankyou

An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign bin\Debug\app.publish\LMSRFID.exe. SignTool Error: Invalid option: /fd    LMSRFID            

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