How To Write and Call Function in Python

Functions are blocks of reusable code in Python that perform a specific task. They take inputs, process them, and return outputs. Functions can be called from anywhere in your code, allowing you to avoid duplicating the same code in multiple places. Functions make code more modular, easier to read and maintain, and allow for better code organization.

How To Write A Function

Here is an example of a simple Python function that takes in two arguments and returns their sum:

  1. def add_numbers(x, y):
  2. sum = x + y
  3. return sum

This function takes in two arguments, adds them together, and returns the sum.

How To Call A Function

To call a function in Python, you simply need to use its name followed by parentheses containing any required arguments. Here is an example of how to call a function in Python:

  1. # Define a function that takes two arguments and returns their sum
  2. def add_numbers(x, y):
  3. sum = x + y
  4. return sum
  6. # Call the add_numbers function with two arguments
  7. result = add_numbers(2, 3)
  9. # Print the result
  10. print(result)

In this example, we first define a function called add_numbers that takes two arguments and returns their sum. We then call this function with two arguments, 2 and 3, and store the result in a variable called result. Finally, we print the result using the print function. This is a simple example, but it demonstrates the basic syntax for calling a function in Python.

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