input validation

Live Form Validation using PHP and Ajax Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, I will show you how to Create Live Form Validation using PHP and Ajax. You will learn the effective way of validating the input field value of a certain form in your web application. The tutorial aims to provide the students and new programmers a reference for learning and enhancing their programming capabilities using PHP Language and jQuery Library. Here, snippets and sample source code will be provided to have a better understanding of the scripts.

Inline Input Validation using PHP with Javascript

Submitted by argie on
This tutorial will help you validate a control like text field using javascript and display the error inline with the text field. I write this tutorial to help other programmer having difficulties in creating inline input validation. It also validate the email address. To start this tutorial lets follow the steps bellow.

Step 1: Open Your php editor and copy/paste the code below

This code is the javascript portion of the entire system. This is used to validate the form.