Advanced Point of Sale Using PHP/MySQL


The Real State Management System is a VB.NET project that can manage the transactions of R.E Consultancy Services and Marketing Real State. The system was developed using VB.NET.

The system facilitates the allocating of lot and client by establishing contract information. After the contract was made it is time to collect the payment of client, when client failed to pay on time there is a penalty that can be computed dynamically. There are times it’s hard to track the list of collection, so it has a feature that can generate a report for monthly or daily collection. To make the viewing of information simpler there is a summarize detail where the user can display the list of all transaction by setting the subdivision for each lot.

The system also comes with a SMS notification that can notify the client’s payment period for their allocated lot. 

User Account:

User: aji

Password: aji123456

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