Live Design Edit Using PHP/MySQL

This code will teach you on how to create an live design edit in your website using php/mysql. The feature of this system is it has a color pallet that enable you to select what color you want to display in your site background, header, sidebar, footer and etc. Hope this code will help you, feel free to leave comment if you have a question in this source code. database name:liveeditcss

Simple PHP & MYSQL Photo Gallery

(Help: Please help me solve the bug and contact me.) This program is made of php and mysql. This is a simple Photo Gallery, photos will be uploaded in a directory folder called photos. This code was developed by Mayank Gandhi. You can view his article here: .But when i run the php files, all the executions has an error, which i don't know how to

Point of Sale (POS) using PHP/MySQL

In this program you will know on how to create a complete online Point of Sale(POS) using PHP/MySQL.The system also help you on how to create an Online Point of Sale that cater both cash, check, and credit. The system can generate different report such as: Individual sales report Inventory report Daily/weekly/monthly/yearly sales report Collectibles report Supplier Report Receipt Customer Report