Just got Started Payroll Project

Payroll System Project - Sample for my Students, I uploaded this project for evaluation, still incomplete, more to go, and stay tuned with me... the project includes Biometrics Fingerprint recognition for DTR entries and Searching identities (on progress), On-LAN web based-filing of leaves and approval (for On-Line based evaluation later). Project is not connected for DPWH Payroll System for RO1

Step By Step Guide On How to Create an Enrollment System

If you are a beginner and would like to have a walkthrough on how to create a simple enrollment system then visit http://www.code-expert.com/2011/07/simple-enrollment-system.html. This site is design to teach you on how to create a windows application using Visual Basic.NET 2008 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The main goal of this site is focus on learning VB.NET from scratch without