Visual Basic Tutorial

This section will teach you on how to begin programming with Visual Basic 2008 and above. Please take note that Microsoft has already changed the name from Visual Basic .NET to Visual Basic – that is, by eliminating the word “.NET”. The purpose of changing this is to avoid confusion to the language. So, if you refer to version 2008 or 2012, you would say “Visual Basic 2008” or “Visual Basic 2012”.

Screen Lock with IniFile

This code will allow you to disable alt + f4, ctrl + alt + del, alt + tab, alt + esc, windows key, ctrl + esc. Sample code: Public Class Form1 Public g_IniSettings As New IniFile #Region "Alt + F4" Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams() As CreateParams Get Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams Const CS_NOCLOSE As Integer = &H200 cp.ClassStyle = cp.ClassStyle Or CS_NOCLOSE

Advanced College Management System v2.9

It’s an advanced college Management System Project written in C#.Net 4.5 as front end and SQL Server 2012 as Back end. Version 2.9 : Lots of Security Features are added 5 different types of user types are added 1.Admin - Everything 2.Lecturer ( attendance & internal Marks Entry only) 3.Accounts officer (TRANSACTIONS only ) 4.Admissions officer (Student registration,Profile Entry only) 5.Student