Student Guidance Monitoring System with SMS Notification in VB.Net
Submitted by janobe on Monday, July 1, 2019 - 14:45.
Student Guidance Monitoring System with SMS Notification is an automated system that aims to easily check or track the behavior of students in the school campus. With the use of this system, the admin will be able to record the number of times a student has been called into the Guidance Office because of the offenses or complains against the student. Then, in here an SMS notification is used to notify the parents of the students. Only the admin or guidance staff has the ability to access or manage the data of every student that is in the database for security and privacy purposes.
These are the following features of the system
Manage Student- Add Student
- List of Students
- Edit Student
- Delete Student
- Add Excuse Slip
- SMS Notification
- Print Excuse Slip
- List of Excuse Slips
- Add Student’s Complains
- Edit Student’s Complains
- Delete Student’s Complains
- List of Student’s Complains
- Add Course
- Edit Course
- Delete Course
- List of Courses
- Add User
- Edit User
- Delete User
- List of Users
- Print Complains and Excuse Slip
- Print List of Students
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