Management Solution

Creating a Management Solution in Visual Basic #4 Filtering Records #3 Modify GUI For Previous Record Altering

Introduction: This tutorial is going to be on how to create a record management solution in Visual Basic. This Tutorial: Since this is a multi-part tutorial series, this tutorial is going to be on creating the third and final part of the filter records GUI, the modify GUI. Design: First add a new Windows Form to your project by going to Project > Add New Windows Form > Windows Form > Filter Modify GUI > OK. Then give it the following design, it's very similar to the add record GUI... Textbox, textbox1, information will be entere

Creating a Management Solution in Visual Basic #3 Filtering Records #1 Design and Filtering Function

Introduction: This tutorial is going to be on how to create a record management solution in Visual Basic. This Tutorial: Since this is a multi-part tutorial series, this tutorial is going to be on creating the first part of the filter records GUI. What Will Filtering Do? The filtering within the program will allow the user to filter through the entire file of results and perform additional changes to any single record or a group of records based off the filtering criteria. The filtering GUI will allow the user to search by a single piece of

Creating a Management Solution in Visual Basic #1 Design and Writing To Files

Introduction: This tutorial is going to be on how to create a record management solution in Visual Basic. This Tutorial: Since this is a multi-part tutorial series, this tutorial is going to be on setting up the form and creating the much needed writeToFile function. The Design: For your reference, I am using Visal Studio Ultimate 2013, the programming should be the same but the design may differ from previous or future versions of the studio program. We are going to try and create the whole design in this first tutorial but we may have to