Online Learning Management System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code


Hi guys, I have here the last system project that I make when I’m a student.  This M-Learning has lots of useful functions for you to use. This system also has a responsive design compatible with mobile devices. The system has 3 types of users which are the admin, teachers, and the students. The admin is in charge of maintaining important data such as the list subject, classes, department, and etc. This system can be also useful nowadays which some of the classes are under Modular Distance Learning. using this system the faculties or teacher can provide soft copies of learning documents to the students and also he/she can create a  Practice Quiz and Assignment for a class. Students can answer the teacher's given practice quiz and limited to the teacher's allotted duration for taking the quiz.
The functions of this system are:

For the admin side of the system

  • Add,  edit,  delete student information
  • Add, edit, delete teacher information 
  • Add an entry like the subject, class, school calendar
  • View log-in trail of every user
  • View logs of every user activity

Admin Side

For the Teacher User of the System

  • The teacher can create his/her Class
  • After creating a class the teacher  View the students for that particular class
  • Upload Downloadable materials for his/her class
  • Create practice quizzes for students 
  • Grade students assignment 
  • Post announcements
  • Create a class calendar of events 
  • Message co-teacher or students

Teacher Side

For the Student user of the system 

  • Sign up for his / her account
  • Can view  classmates in  his / her class
  • Answer practice quizzes
  • View evaluation of assignment and quizzes
  • Download  downloadable materials in a class
  • Upload downloadable material
  • Message a teacher or his/ her classmate

student side

How to Run

  1. Download the source code and extract the zip file.
  2. Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script.
  3. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it "capstone".
  4. Import the SQL file located in the "db" folder of the source code.
  5. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP('C:\xampp\htdocs')
  6. Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/lmsand for  admin [http://localhost/lms/admin]

Admin Default Access

Username: admin
Password: admin



Hope that this system may help you in creating your own systems project.

Thank you.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Dear Sir, i see your code and is very good design, development, code, logic. everything is very good... Sir, if you got some time please give me suggestion which software tool i used to create code in php. ([email protected]) regards rahul

In reply to by Rahul udavant (not verified)

Notepad++ v6.6.6 - Current Version NetBeans IDE

In reply to by Rahul udavant (not verified)

help me in the register student and teacher have problm ??

Hi, I try to run your system, it is perfect..but, I have problem to access the admin side of the system. The username and password are all correct. The error shows: Login Failed Please Check your username and Password

In reply to by Love Nora (not verified)

do u have the solution to access the admin side yet??? plz reply if u already have it.. thank u.

In reply to by sarah (not verified)

To access the code first create a database named "capstone" and import all the tables from the database in the "db" folder which is inside "lms" folder

In reply to by Riswan (not verified)

Thanks for the reply, but even after importing and setting everything up, accessing admin gives error

pahiram nga po ng code mo

Sir gud day.. sobrang ganda po ng system nu.. sir pwde q po ba e modifyt gmitin tong system nu..dbest

hey jkev script is very good but when i login i just stay 5 sec then session closed and i was login by nothing i hope you help me to fix it thank you.

sorry it's my fault the problem was from appserv

I wanted documents of this project plz...

Nice bro! Keep developing helpful systems like this! Regards! :)

It's really fantastic , Please let me know the ( jkev has submitted 55 source code.) remaining list and how can i find those. [email protected] Thanks.

it is really good code, and even if the logic how the idea flow in the system. i would like to contact you with the E-mail ([email protected]) "help me more to do good thinks with you".

anyone notice that theres a problem in session? its session right? its like when you are logged in either teacher or student, you automatically get logged out.. i hope someone can help me with this.

in order to access the admin side, in your search bar, type this thing: localhost/lms/admin and so it goes like that try it.....

Hi,u system is very nice..but i got some problem to running it,it not working properly...can u help me...??plezzzz

It is very great code i would like to say a "excellent man" by your work.

Sir, your "lms" code is perfect when i run it on my local host. But when I upload it to my real host (i'm using Direct Admin) i can't upload file in "downloadable" and "assignment" module. I don't know why, please help me. How can I contact with you? My email address is [email protected].

hi sir, Great work!!!! I want documentation for learning management system... If you have please send me sir!!! my email id is [email protected]

Hi, what's the difference between registered and unregistered teachers? and what does it mean to activate a teacher? Thank you.

Help!! or email po.. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\lms\header_dashboard.php:38) in C:\xampp\htdocs\lms\session.php on line 3

Hey have seen very similar interfaces, what IDE have you used to develop this?

Any idea why i get a blank screen after login. Both in student and admin. I can see in the address bar that its on dashboard_student.php but nothing shows.

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\lms\edit_question.php

sir in this project i cant access able to access student n teacher wat to do can u tell me abhi i have to submit it

Hi jkev, First, thanks for your great work and thanks for sharing, I'd like some documentation details about the project, could you please send it to me on [email protected]

Hi jkev, I really love what you did. I have been wanting to have a custom made eLearning management system. Please contact me at [email protected] I can hire you for the project.

Hi can i get help something? sir, i wanna ask where i can find source code of background image on your chsm system? because i wanna edit the file image name(index) to other background image hope anyone can help me to change my background

first thank you for sharing .
I wonder it is perfect but in this project please try to configure grading system(each subject grade and GPA for individual student for 3 or 4 years
[email protected]

please help me out Every thing is working but I can't create class for the teacher or classroom

im college student i need project report for my final year project can you send your project report for reference please [email protected] mail to this email id.

It seem to be a issue, but i cant login to admin. what could be the reason. Nice work !!!

Hi, sir can you kindly explain why in add subject in Admin panel, admin is required to put the number of units? What is the function for them to insert the number of units? I'am trying to understand all the functions in this marvelous project. Please do reply.. Thank you

Can you send me the documentation and source code to this link. Thank you in advance.

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