Simple Table Generator Using jQuery

In this tutorial we will try to create a simple table generator by using jquery. jQuery is a cross-platform javaScript library design to simplified the modern HTML client side scripting. jQuery syntax was made to make it easier to navigate a document, like select DOM elements, develop Ajax applications and etc. Throughout the tutorial you will learn how to apply an array inside a nested loop. So let's start coding Creating The Mark Up To start with the form, open any kind of text editor that your computer have(notepad, notepad++, etc).

Very Basic Java Fighting Game

Sharing you the source code of this simple fighting game created in java[eclipse]. You will learn character animation, basic interaction and some AI implementation. If you have some questions just spam me at mark[dot]cabalar[at]yahoo[dot]com. Visit Part 1 and Part 2 for some additional information. Live Demo: Visit my blog: Happy coding!!!

HINM Enrollment and Library System (VB.NET 2012 and SQL Server 2012)

In order to run this program, you need to setup the database found on the following URL: Enrollment System: Library System: Read the Guidelines in the Installers for setting up a SQL Server and SSMS

Simple Date Range Search Using PHP/Ajax

In this tutorial we will try to create a search function based on the two date range using Ajax. Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to server without the need for a complete page refresh. By using ajax It let's your website more interactive to the user. Most of the function in facebook uses ajax, that's why it is very convenient to use. Now that we know how about ajax, let's start coding. Creating the database In creating a database we just need a program to make a database worked (wamp, xamp, etc..).

Simple Inserting And Retrieving Data Without Page Refresh Using Ajax

In this tutorial we will create a Simple Inserting And Retrieving Data Without Page Refresh Using Ajax. Ajax is a new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications. It is widely used by other well known websites like facebook. Let see how Ajax works with PHP in an interactive kind of application. Let's start coding. Creating A Database To create a database open any kind of database base server that you have(wamp, xamp, etc..). Then create database and name it 'db_post'.

Online Catering Reservation

A system created for catering services using Bootstrap and MySqli for online reservations to organize the schedule of reservations to avoid conflicts with the availability of catering, this includes the capability to generate unique reservation code for security purposes. This system will help to reduce time to generate reports and process reservations. Features: Customer View Menu Details View

Secure Registration and Login Script with PHP and MySQL using CodeIgniter and Ion Auth

This is a secure registration and login form created using CodeIgniter and Ion Auth. I highly recommend using Ion Auth to secure the login form of your site as this is already tested and proven to prevent SQL Injection. In addition, I use Bootstrap to improve the design of the form. Here’s the instruction on how to setup CodeIgniter, Ion Auth and Bootstrap. 1. Download CodeIgniter Extract the