Sorting Data in Table

In this tutorial, we are going to create Sorting Data in Table. This simple program is written using HTML and JavaScript jQuery. Using this program, users enable to bit by bit sorting numbers and letters in the existing data table on the web page. To sort data in the table, kindly click the to sort it whether ascending or descending. Check Live Demo below: Let's Create It In this tutorial, we need this link to finish the program to sort data in the table. Copy and paste to the HEAD tag of your page. Then, we have to create our simple table on the web page. Note: You must put a and to your table.

Sorting Data in Table

Number User Name Encrypted Password
1 source codester 40793a24fd71acaacf7ae534d8784fa7
2 Jane Meyer 9a0c75a27f67d0496095d060f28fb8ed
3 John Doe a0482e670829269e7598d81bf28c13ac
4 John Meyer a0482e6708292afdsdfsd81bf28c13ac
5 Augustus Caesar a0482e67xdkjvhfsdkj234241bf28c13ac
Copy and paste this simple script below to your table. We are going to use this script for totally run the program. Therefore, the user enables to sort data in the table. This simple jQuery script below used to sort data in the table of the web page. Using this script the of the table is clickable to sorting data. var methods = { init: function() { var $this = this; return this.find('thead th').each(function(x) { var th = $(this); (function(i) { $(th).bind('click', function() { sortListener(i, $this); }).css('cursor', 'pointer'); })(x); }); }, destroy: function() { return this.find('thead th').each(function() { $(this).unbind(); }) } } Check Live Demo below: Output Data in the table sort as descending. Result

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