#MySQL Database

Online Ticket Reservation System using PHP with Source Code

This is a Simple Online Ticket Reservation System that was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. This system help the travel businesses to provide their client an online platform to reserve a ticket to their desired destination. The system has a pleasant and responsive user interface with the help of Bootstrap Library. This system has only small scope but enough to help you guys to understand

Simple Social Network (Twitter-like) using PHP with Source Code

This is a Simple Social Network PHP/MySQL Project. This project is a Twitter-like responsive Web app that can help other programmers to understand Especially those who are beginners hot to create a social network web application such as the famous Twitter App. This system allows users to register an account, post a tweet, and search other users. For those who are planning or student that has a

Online School Fees System using PHP with Source Code

This is a simple PHP/MySQL Project entitled Online School Fees System. This web application can help certain schools to manage their students' fees/payments. The system is not only managing a one-time payment, this web application calculates the existing balance of the student which means the system stores every payment to a fee of the student until it is totally paid. The system also allows multi

Simple Online Piggery (Farm) Management System using PHP with Source Code

This simple project is entitled Simple Online Piggery Management System. This system manages the piggery farm's records. The web application was developed using PHP and MySQL Database. The simple system contains CRUD Operation in each list in the database. The system stores the list of pig breeds and details. It also has a feature that can record the pigs of the farm under quarantine and these