Top 25 Programming Courses Proven to Help You Become an Excellent Game Developer

Game development now has indeed come a very long way. When you surf the net, you will see the proofs – excellent and jaw-dropping games. Many of you might have thought how human brains have done it. It is more than amazing. There might be a portion in your life wherein you dreamed of becoming an excellent game developer and be the person behind those games that majority of the people across the

Registration Bus Transporation and Logistics system

This system is a very important system that I developed in VB.NET. This is helpful if you want to use this for bus transportations and logistics. The database of this system is SQL Server 2008. It has four tables. You can use this sytem for educational purpose. It is secured and with a reliable source code. Enjoy ============THANKS============ If you need more information, contact me at: mobile:

OOP PHP CRUD Operation Using MySQLi - Part 2

In this tutorial, we will deal with OOP PHP CRUD functions, in my previous tutorial we created a simple application that can create and read data from the database and display it on the HTML form at the same time. Now this time we will continue on our previous project, and we will be adding a Delete and Update function. Before we continue I hope that you read OOP PHP CRUD Operation Using MySQLi - Part 1 so that you have an idea how this tutorial will be going.

How to Convert Text Input to Speech Output

How to convert text input to speech output The usage of text to speech is been increasing day by day, one of the main applications are automatic birthday wish speaker. VB.NET provides simple steps to convert text to speech, they are 1) Import the text to speech library 2) Create a SpeechSynthesizer instance 3) Use speak method. Explanation 1) Import the text to speech library .net framework

OOP PHP CRUD Operation Using MySQLi - Part 1

In this tutorial, we will tackle about Object Oriented Programming PHP CRUD using MySQLi as a database server. Object Oriented Programming is an organize structured that consist of different functions inside a class. It is mostly used by an advanced programmer because for them this is some what a new challenge for their programming carreer.