Multi-step Registration Form Template using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS

This is a Multi-step Registration form Template and design. The source code contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This template provides a step-by-step feature for filling the fields of the registration form. It can give your end-users a better experience while using your site. How does the template work? The registration form template was written in HTML script and has 3 steps. It has an

Online Diagnostic Lab Management System using PHP and MySQL Free Download

The lab management system is a web-based software application, which is used to manage a laboratory. This system can be used for managing the lab's day-to-day operations like organizing and managing the inventory, and maintaining the lab records and in future enhancement, it will generate barcodes. The system is designed to be user-friendly, yet powerful. It includes modules for patient management

Best Student Result Management System Project source code in PHP and MySQL Free Download

The school result management system is a project that is designed to help admin and their students to track their academic results. This system can be used by schools as a tool for managing student results and generating reports. It can also be used by parents to monitor the progress of their children at school. The main goal of this project is to create an online platform that will allow students