simple paging/pagination Note: if you want source code for VB 6.0, and Please Dont hesitate to inform me, or comment on this link... thanks....

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@aBz_aNgeL000, I will post / upload fora visual basic code here... @deepikamohan17, what do u mean update for phone book coding?

@ALL, Thanks for your interest..... i'm humbly appreciate your comments...... thanks... a lot....

In reply to by romeo_trrs

Sir Thank you so much for posting your and my groupmates are working with a project of scheduling system with the use of visual basic 2008...i hope you could post some program which can gives us idea hoe to generate our program.... thank you [email protected]

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What do you mean how to generate your program? you can post your questions here if you want, i will answer your questions as long as i know.... thanks....

can u please explain this project.?????....... or send me the documentation for this project???

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think, u have to pay me if you want me to explain every code that i did/made.... I think sir/madame; u have to thank for those who shared their knowledge in programming, for those who shared their source codes and etc...... it just because its free... now if you want me to explain my codes, thats an extra job for me..... and i dont want to free my tutorial skills... thanks you...

does this required SQL server? im searching for paging the records and display it in listview with navigation buttons is there a way to do that?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

well, yes its posible..... sql server its only a data storage.... i have a lot of samples using pagination in different programming languages., kindly search it..... Romeo A. Torres

This pagination is cool but it's not working in my vb 2008 express edition, i wish you could have a sample of this made in vb 2008 so that i can review it, this pagination really helps me a lot in my projects, i wish you could have one in vb 2008....

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

actually my code is very simple to understand ( or its a native code). which part of my code is not working properly? even 2010 version will run it...

plz can you give me your email !! i wanna contacting you

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