
Free Android Source Code. Download 10 latest Android system's projects with source code for free here.

Android - Simple Search List View

Learn on how to create a Simple Search List View using Android. This code can search any word through entering the keyword. Android is the world’s most widely used operating system with over a millions of user, that are already installed to smartphones, tablets, and even television. Android is an open source so that developer find it easy to develop and expand new features.

Android - Simple Touch Gesture

Learn on how to create a Simple Touch Gesture using Android. This is simple application can be used to any apps that needed to detect touch movement to call any functions. Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It used in several gadget like smartphone, tablet, and even television. Android is open source to developers who has an interest in developing mobile apps.

Android - Simple Auto Complete List

Learn on how create a Simple Auto Complete List using Android. This simple app predict the word that you will type and give you some list about the word that you want. Android is basically a piece of software which allows your hardware to function. It used in several gadget like smartphone, tablet, and even television. The android is an open source operating system it's free and user friendly to mobile developers.