Visual Basic .NET

Free Visual Basic .NET Source Code. Download 10 latest Visual Basic .NET system's projects with source code for free here.

CSSG & Department School Voting System

The system automates the voting system a college school which has several departments. Functions and Features: ADMIN SIDE; -Manages- Course Department Party Position Candidate CSSG Result Department Result VOTING PROCESS SIDE: - security (the student will enter security code to start voting) - CSSG (the student will select the CSSG candidates to vote) - Department (the student will select the

Bakery Payroll System

This is a simple Bakery Payroll System for a Pastry Shop. Front End: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition Back End: Microsoft Access 2010 OS Platform: Windows 7 N.B. The following components and tools MUST be installed in order to run the program ERROR-FREE DevExpress Universal 13.1.5 Infragistics NetAdvantage for Windows Forms 2012 Adobe Reader X (10.0) DataGridViewExtension Krypton Suite

How to Make a Simple MP3/MP4 Player Using VB.NET

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load TextBox1.ReadOnly = True End Sub Private Sub AxWindowsMediaPlayer1_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) End Sub Private Sub cmdimport_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdimport.Click OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "MP3|*.mp3" OpenFileDialog1.Title = "OPEn File" If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog

Validate Leap Year in VB.NET Console

In this tutorial, i will teach you how to validate a year as leap year or not. Hence we already know that leap year has 366 days instead of the normal 365 days. Leap years occur every 4 years. And this fact is our formula in finding a leap year using the console application in Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a Console Application for this tutorial by following

Sample Add,Edit,Update and Delete using 2008

This is simple add,edit,update and delete in 2008 using Adodb database connection and mssql database management system. In order for this to work, unzip the zip file and then go to bin folder copy the dbsample and dbsample_log. After you copy, paste it into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data. Then open

Advance Login Form

This Login Form With Logs File Filter The 3 Type of User Admin Staff Guest Can log this information Date & Time Now Computer Name Host Name Ip Address Username Encrypted Password Type (Login & Logout) but logout are not available Registration Username/ Encrypted Password User type admin-- Username : admin password : admin staff-- Username : staff password : staff guest -- Username : guest password

Loan EMI Calulator

A simple loan EMI calculator. This is one of the simplest program written using language. You can calculate the monthly EMI's by providing the details of your loan. Source code is free to re-use in your applications. This is complete source code hence you can open this project in visual studio 2010 and above.

LifeBank Lending System

The LifeBank Lending system was developed using a Visual basic 2008 and Microsoft access 2007 for database support. This system is able to accommodate the new borrower and stored their Information, Income Assessment and Requirements as well as their loan Information. The system also has the feature for approval and releasing of loan request. The system can record and accept payment from a specific