
Cashiering and Purchasing System for Ocean Bounties Restaurant

Cashiering and Purchasing System for this Restaurant was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 as frontend and MS SQL Server 2000 as backend. This system was one of the thesis I made for a particular school. This system is unique because this restaurant allows a debt purchase of meals. This system features: - Customer Registration - Sales Transaction - Order Item Transaction - Incoming Item Transaction

Sales And Monitoring System

The Sales And Monitoring i created for my cousin. basically just a simple project for their SAD. PROGRAMMER: WINSTON L. GUBANTES System Requirements: 1. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, 2005 OR HIGHER 2. CPU(Intel,Amd) 1ghz or higher 3. RAM 512 mb or higher (1gig recommended) 4. Flash Player (later versions) Requirements for IDE: 1. C# VS STUDIO 2010 Professional Edition