
Ensuring Data Security in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next-generation architecture of IT enterprise. In contrast to traditional solutions, where the IT services are under proper physical, logical and personnel controls, cloud computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This unique attribute

Prison Management

This is a prison management system made in Java... Prisoner and Warden Id are auto generated Use prison_management to create DSN ...Enjoy ....................................................................... An application is to be developed that manages the wardens and prisoners at a prison. Each prisoner is identified by a unique number. Details, such as name and number of days left to serve

Number Subsets Calculator in Java (Applet using AWT)

Guys, here is a problem given to us by our professor during our class in Object-Oriented Programming. Here, I used the AWT library of Java to design the interface. Problem: Given an array containing some integers (there may be duplicates), write a routine or method that returns all the possible sums that can be formed by using numbers in the array. For instance, if the array contains 4 and 6, the

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conveter in Java (Console-Based)

Hi guys! I'm here again. Today, I will show you a Java program I made that can convert a Decimal Number to its equivalent Hexadecimal Value. It is very easy to do this because I just followed the rules in converting from decimal to hexadecimal number in number system. Take note that there are 16 values or digits used in hexadecimal number system which is the number from 0 to 9, and the first six

Decimal to Octal Converter in Java (Console-Based)

Watch out this guys! I made this decimal-octal converter in Java. I used the BlueJ text editor to write, compile and run my program. You can download the BlueJ software from my blog site at or from the official website of BlueJ at Download the source code below and try it in your own. You can modify and add some features. See the

Data File Utility 1.3

USES and Instructions: 1. DEDUPS 1.1) Browse an input file. You will see a preview of data on the table. 1.2) Select the correct column delimeter of the file. 1.3) Type the Text Qualifier (if any) [It is character(s) that encloses every value]. 1.4) Select a column on the table as the basis of deduplication (1st Column is the default). 1.5) Click "Analyze", You will see a preview of data on the