Free HTML/CSS Source Code. Download 10 latest HTML/CSS projects with source code for free here.

Customized Border Image in CSS

This project will teach you how to create a customized border image in css. You can use your own image to be set as border. We have to simply set the border-image properties like border-image-outset, border-image-repeat, border-image-slice, border-image-source and border-image-width. You can experiment on your own and use my project as an example. Hope you learn from this.

Media Rule in CSS

This project will teach you how to use media rule in css. @media rule allows different style or layout for different media in the same style sheet. I have here in my example a box with a content. You can see the changes of the page content when the user resized the screen(box color and font-size change according to screen size). Hope you learn from this.