Visual Basic

How to Create Animation in Visual Basic

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create animation that has image Magnifying and controls to the left, right, up, and down in Visual Basic. Here is the example for magnifying and let user magnify and diminish an object by changing the height and width properties of an object. The statements Image1.Height = Image1.Height + 100 and Image1.Width = Image1.Width + 100 will increase the height and the width of an object by 100 twips each time a user click on the relevant command button.

Gram Panchayat Management System

 While human made GRAMPANCHAYAT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM report to much extra time, the computerized GRAMPANCHAYAT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM report minimizes the wastage of time.  Also, the human method of making GRAMPANCHAYAT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM report system is tedious & boring type, this computer method is easy & non-tedious.  The making of GRAMPANCHAYAT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM report is calculate & opens the

Simple Restaurants Inventory System

This is a simple billing system created using Visual Basic. This is a very easy system. Just choose the items you want and it will display the cost of the items. Insert the quantity ordered and it will automatically sum up the total cost. All selected item will be displayed on the listview. It will also show all total cost of all the items selected or ordered. Add with image Click image Order item

Library System Beginner's Version

Library System includes: 1. Book Panel for modifying and viewing of books. 2. Borrower Panel for viewing and modify info. 3. Penalty Panel for Books 4. Calendar Activity Panel 5. Archiving Panel 6. Official Receipt Panel 7. Book Circulation Transactions 8. Book Catalog 9. Book Registry Panel 10. Inquiry for viewing and printing of Library Tansactions 11. Library Reports 12. Utilities for Backup