How to Create a Windows Application Project

In order to create an application in Visual Basic .NET like Payroll System, Accounting System, Enrollment System, Calculator, Point of Sale System, and Library System you need to create a project called “Windows Application”.

If you are new to programming and want to learn Visual Basic, you will probably confuse with so many option to choose in starting a Visual Basic Editor.

Please look at the screen below.

New Project Dialog

At the left side of the dialog window is a “Project Types”. This is where you select what kind of project you’d like to build. In our case we will be using Windows under Visual Basic category, and on the right side, that is, the template, we will use Windows Forms Application.

Type the name of the project you’d like to create. Select a filename which is related to the application that you are going to create. Since we will be creating a “Library System” project in this tutorial, we will name it as “Library System”.

Depending on the version you are using, some of the “new project” dialog requires you to input a path to your project. In that case, select the path that you want your project be saved.

When you’re done, click the OK button.

Visual Basic IDE

In the screenshot above, I highlight some of the common controls we need to use throughout this tutorial. Familiarize everything on the screen so you will not have to worry finding them when I point the name for the rest of this topic.

How to Save the Project

1. Click save all in the toolbar.

2. Type the project name (i.e. Library System).

3. Click Save button.

Save Project

Our next topic is on “How to Add New Data Source”.

Back to Visual Basic .NET 2008 Tutorial.


Submitted byAnonymous (not verified)on Sat, 06/29/2013 - 14:57

Can you kindly please make electricity billing system.

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