Colors in Java

This project display list of colors. It is written in Java swing. It can change the background color of JList, and get background and foreground colors. Try this yourself. This is very simple and easy to do. Hope this will you in your future project.

Hotel Reservation System

This is a complete hotel reservation system using php. It was created by Adama Science and Technology University, Department of Software Engineering. It has so many features like checking available and unavailable rooms, reservation transactions, etc. Hope this system with complete source codes serves as an example and will help you in your future project. Note: This system is used for educational


This Online Public Access Catalog provides books information, details and status of books in the library. The users search a library catalog to locate books and other material available at a library. The user can search by Accession number, Title, Author, Publisher Name or Copyright Year. ADMIN username: admin password: admin

(Laravel+Bootstrap) Framework Authentication System Plus Blog Post And Read Post

Install laravel follow the link 13 Best place to learn laravel follow this link In this tutorial you will know how make login,registration,forget password recovery,change password,blog post and read post system with bootstrap.