Shorten Long/Large Numbers using PHP

Good Day. In this project we are going learn how to shorten long numbers to K/ M/ B/ T/q/Q/s/S/O/N/d. This function abbreviates a large number it display numbers like 3.5K and 4.2M. thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000) - 1k (One Thousand) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000) - 1M (One Million) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000000) - 1B (One Billion) thousandsCurrencyFormat(1000000000000) - 1T (One Trillion)

Simple Mapping System using PHP and JQuery

In this tutorial, we are going to learn to learn how to make a drag and drop system and save its location. This is a simple project that you can use in your website or system. DIRECTIONS PUT THE LINKS INSIDE YOUR HEAD TAG CSS CODE HTML CODE " style="position: absolute; top: px; left: px; z-index: 9999; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> " id="top" value=""> " id="left" value=""> " style="display: none;"

Drag and Drop Shopping Cart using JQuery

In this project you are going to learn drag and drop feature in shopping cart using JQuery. This Drag and Drop Shopping Cart feature can be useful to your website or project. Source Code: Shopping Cart Products Gadgets iPhone iPod iPad Accessories Earphone USB Cord Powerbank Bags Zebra Striped Black Leather Alligator Leather Shopping Cart Add your items here

Snake game

Hi, i'm a student in informatic and I had to correct and improve an original program. Rule : You must eat the purple square to gain point until you eat yourself accidentally. Control : Arrow key Bug correction/Improvement : -Sounds has been completely reworked. -Game doesn't freeze anymore before your snake die. -Look (Alignement, font, text, antialiasing...) Original version : http://www

POS Transaction Report Processor

Hello to you all, you can try this application and learn from it. It is my practice project and thanks to sourcecodester for the oppotunity, because i have learnt a lot from this site and i want others to learn from it too that is why i posted the application to this site. I used vb 2010 for the front and sql2008 for the back end. you can also use sql2008 express with advanced features for

Bubble Sort In C#

Bubble sort, sometimes referred to as sinking sort, is a simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list to be sorted, compares each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed, which indicates that the list is sorted. The algorithm, which is a comparison sort, is named for the way smaller

Simple Python Gui Game

A simple python GUI game Softwares: • Install Python 2.3.5, • Install Pygame 1.6 & • LiveWires 2.0 Installations: Unzip the python game folder into local (C:) /python23/ Click on the python icon named game file to start playing. Its easy to play the game check the installations and user manual on the zip file for help. You may also leave a comment for help.

Find Compilation Time of Any Code and Execution Time of Any Command

This is a C source code, can find Compilation Time of any source code & also Execution time of any Command, in nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond. This is written in gcc platform ( Linux, Ubuntu ). The execution time of all commands of Ubuntu can be measured & in case of compilation time of source codes, the corresponding compiler must be installed in the machine. Thanks.